
Mar 27th, 2016 starting at 11:00AM, Kelly R. Booker gifts the congregation with another powerful spirit filled message.
Women's Ministry
Emphasis is on wholesome interaction with the significant male counterparts in our lives. It is strategically designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman in our surrounding community.
Mary Sheets: Women's President

Men's Ministry
Provide educational & spiritual opportunities to elevate men to become better husbands, fathers, and sons. To develop programs to meet the needs of the male in the 21st Century.
Percy Craig Sr: Men's President

We provide strength for the man of God, display and produce an attitude of faith and peace. We possess endless strength so as to thrust, press and force his way onward without giving way under harsh treatment.
Terrence Stephens: President

We assimilate new members into the congregational life at New Union Baptist Church, and help facilitate new members class under the direction of the Senior Pastor.
Deborah Harrison: President

The gift of song is a ministry that is to meet the need of all worshipers through consecrated and anointed singing.
Lenn Craig: Music Ministry Coordinator

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